Monday, 7 July 2014

Paint your Luxury Home with Fira Color Decorative Coating – Effect Gold and Silver (Part D)

Before applying Decorative coating of Effect Gold and Effect Silver to your home, you must have to prepare you walls and wooden surfaces for coating to be applied.
Surface Preparation
·         You have to clean you walls with al kings of stains such as oils, pencils or any other
·         You have to dust walls
·         You also have to dust all wooden walls
·         Clear walls and wooden walls with blistered paints
·         Now you have to level the surface of the walls with the help of Firacolor Acrylic putty thin. This material will   help to level the walls, so, it is easy for painter to paint the wall and coating will be easily apply
·         Now you have to undercoat the wall surface to protect the wall surface
·         Now you have to paint the surfaces with Firacolor Primer, this will help to hide the defect in the walls

Paint your Luxury Home with Fira Color Decorative Coating – Effect Gold and Silver (Part B)

Effect gold and silver is used in inside and outside walls and wooden surfaces inside buildings. Before applying, you must have to fill your wall with insulation and premier of Fira colors but before you have to do that you have to first clean and clear you walls and wooden work with all types of oil stains, dust and debri. Then, after ward, you are able to apply the coat.

Paint your Luxury Home with Fira Color Decorative Coating – Effect Gold and Silver (Part A)

For those individuals home who want some uniqueness in there residential homes and want to express their wealth and power in their home and now very home and feel comfort when they saw Fira Color Decorative coating line “effect gold and silver”.